Tuesday, April 5, 2016


C. P. Snow’s view on the two “separated” cultures, humanities and science, has been especially prevalent in Western culture and poses a major hindrance to the world’s problems because of its short sighted viewpoint created over history with stereotypes. I interpreted Vesna’s “triangulation” of third culture that incorporates arts, humanities, and sciences is truly a move away from segregated intelligence and in my opinion, towards optimal intelligence.


In terms of "two cultures" I grew up as first generation Russian citizen, attending American school while living in a Russian-speaking household. Many sociologists study the second generation for assimilation patterns, to see how well people do relative to another. 
I always felt that art and science go hand in hand. Personally speaking I study Geography but I started my educational career pursuing acting in a BFA conservatory program that would so restrictive on time that learning other disciplines were not advised. I was confused and for or this reason, I decided to change the path of my education towards a more worldly and general major as Geography.


I paint and do photography; in fact I make some of my living from it. I also read about physics and other sciences as I feel they are necessary to understanding reality and life in more theoretical sense and quantitative. These new perspectives change my thinking for the better, since I am always feeling stuck in between choosing one or another. Since I am not a financially wealthy person naturally, I always felt I needed to sacrifice one dream for another in order to secure my survival. 
These new ideas will benefit me to begin putting both my left and right side of my brain together and perhaps excavate a hidden genius in me. I can hopefully connect my artistic vision to my scientific studies. I want to be a well-rounded journalist who is not limited to a certain expertise but is eloquent in all disciplines. 

Snow, C. P. “Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution.” Reading. 1959. New York: Cambridge UP, 1961. Print.
Vesna, Victoria. "Toward a Third Culture: Being In Between." Leonardo 34.2 (2001): 121-25. Web.
Kasinitz. "The Next Generation: Russian Jewish Young Adults in Contemporary New York." Philip Kasinitz Hunter Web. <https://www.russellsage.org/sites/all/files/u4/Kasinitz,%20Zeltzer-Zubida,%20%26%20Simakhodskaya_The%20Next%20Generation.pdf>.
"A New Physics Theory of Life." Scientific American. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2016. <http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-new-physics-theory-of-life/>.
"The Art & Science Of Storytelling As Told By Journalists." Search Engine Land. N.p., 12 Mar. 2013. Web. 05 Apr. 2016. <http://searchengineland.com/the-art-and-science-of-storytelling-as-told-by-journalists-150795>.

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